Source code for swamp.wrappers.wphaser

import os
import shutil
import collections
from swamp.wrappers.wrapper import Wrapper
from swamp.wrappers.wrefmac import wRefmac
from swamp.parsers import MtzParser, PhaserParser
from phaser import InputMR_DAT, runMR_DAT, InputMR_AUTO, runMR_AUTO

[docs]class Phaser(Wrapper): """Phaser wrapper Class with methods to execute phaser and datas tructures to contain the obtained results :param str workdir: working directory :param srt mtzfile: target structure mtz file name :param int mw: molecular weigth of the target structure :param int nchains_asu: number of chains found in the assymetric unit (default 1) :param str sgalternative: parameter to be passed to phaser as \ :py:func:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.SGAL_SELE` (default 'NONE') :param bool early_kill: if True will send signal to abort the run if the figures of merit are to low (default True) :param int timeout: set a limit kill time for phaser execution (default 360) :param int threads: number of threads to be used with phaser (default 1) :param packcutoff: parameter to be passed to phaser as :py:func:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setPACK_CUTO` (default None) :type packcutoff: float, None :param peaks_rotcutoff: parameter to be passed to phaser as :py:func:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setPEAK_ROTA_CUTO`\ (default None) :type peaks_rotcutoff: float, None :param str phased_mtz: target's mtz filename containing phases (default: None) :param bool silent_start: if True, the logger will not display the start banner (default False) :param `~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger` logger: logging interface for the wrapper (default None) :ivar str LLG: LLG of the placed search model :ivar str TFZ: TFZ of the placed search model :ivar str RFZ: RFZ of the placed search model :ivar str VRMS: VRMS calculated for the placed search model :ivar str eLLG: eLLG calculated for the search model :ivar bool error: if True an error has occurred along the process :ivar bool abort_suggested: if True the figures of merit are low and it is suggested to abort \ :py:obj:`` :ivar str ovarall_CC: overall correlation coefficient between phases at \ :py:attr:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.phased_mtz` and the placed search model :ivar str local_CC: local correlation coefficient between phases at \ :py:attr:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.phased_mtz` and the placed search model :ivar tuple solution: a named tuple with information about an already existing solution :ivar list searchmodel_ids_list: a list with the search model identifiers :ivar dict searchmodel_dict: a dictionary with the search model information :example: >>> from swamp.wrappers import Phaser >>> my_phaser = Phaser('<workdir>', '<mtzfile>', <mw>) >>> my_phaser.add_searchmodel('<pdbfile>') >>> >>> my_phaser.make_logfile() """ def __init__(self, workdir, mtzfile, mw, nchains_asu=1, sgalternative='NONE', logger=None, early_kill=True, timeout=360, threads=1, phased_mtz=None, silent_start=False, packcutoff=None, peaks_rotcutoff=None): super(Phaser, self).__init__(logger=logger, workdir=workdir, silent_start=silent_start) self.abort_suggested = False self.RFZ = "NA" self.TFZ = "NA" self.LLG = "NA" self.eLLG = "NA" self.VRMS = "NA" self.local_CC = "NA" self.overall_CC = "NA" self.phased_mtz = phased_mtz self.input_mr_dat = None self.input_mr_auto = None self.run_mr_auto = None self.run_mr_dat = None self.early_kill = early_kill self.threads = threads self.timeout = timeout self.solution = None self.mtzfile = mtzfile self.sgalternative = sgalternative self.nchains_asu = nchains_asu = mw self.packcutoff = packcutoff self.peaks_rotcutoff = peaks_rotcutoff self.searchmodel_dict = {} self.searchmodel_ids_list = [] def __getstate__(self): d = dict(self.__dict__) del d['input_mr_dat'] del d['input_mr_auto'] del d['run_mr_auto'] del d['run_mr_dat'] return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) # ------------------ Properties ------------------ @property def keywords(self): """No keywords passed to phaser through stdin""" return None @property def cmd(self): """No command run through the shell to execute phaser""" return None @property def wrapper_name(self): """The name of this `~swamp.wrapper.wrapper.Wrapper` child class (phaser)""" return "phaser" @property def logfile(self): """Log file name with the logging contents of phaser""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, 'phaser_PDB_{}_out.log') @property def summary_results(self): """A string representation of a summary of the figures of merit""" return "Phaser results: LLG - %s TFZ - %s Local CC - %s Overall CC - %s" % ( self.LLG, self.TFZ, self.local_CC, self.overall_CC) @property def pdbout_tmp(self): """A temporary pdb output file name template for placed search models""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, 'phaser_PDB_{}_out.pdb') @property def refined_solutions_dir(self): """A directory where placed search models will be refined""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, 'refined_solutions') @property def refmac_pdbout(self): """A pdb output file name template for refined search models""" return os.path.join(self.refined_solutions_dir, 'refined_PDB_{}_out.pdb') @property def refmac_logfile(self): """A log file name template for placed search models""" return os.path.join(self.refined_solutions_dir, 'refined_PDB_{}_out.log') @property def root(self): """Root file name to be used with phaser""" return "%s_phaser" % os.path.basename(self.mtzfile[:-4]) @property def top_PDBfile(self): """PDB file name corresponding with the top solution""" return "%s.1.pdb" % os.path.basename(self.root) @property def top_MTZfile(self): """MTZ file name corresponding with the top solution""" return "%s.1.mtz" % os.path.basename(self.root) @property def top_searchmodel(self): """First search model at :py:attr:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.searchmodel_ids_list`""" if len(self.searchmodel_ids_list) == 0: return None else: return self.searchmodel_dict[self.searchmodel_ids_list[0]] @property def solution_infotemplate(self): """Named tuple to serve as a template to contain information about the fixed solution (if any is provided)""" return collections.namedtuple("solution", ["sol_fname", "pdbfile", "ermsd", "ident"]) @property def searchmodel_infotemplate(self): """Named tuple to serve as a template to contain information about the search models""" return collections.namedtuple("SearchModelInfo", ["pdbfile", "ermsd", "nsearch", "disable_check", "id"]) # ------------------ Methods ------------------ def _run(self): """Override :py:func:`~swamp.wrappers.wrapper.Wrapper._run`""" pass
[docs] def register_solution(self, pdbfile, ermsd=None, ident=None, sol_fname=None): """Add information for an already existing solution :param str pdbfile: the pdb file name with the existing solution :param float ermsd: the eRMSD used to obtain this particular solution :param float ident: the identity used to obtain this particular solution :param str sol_fname: the .sol file for this solution """ self.solution = self.solution_infotemplate(pdbfile=pdbfile, ermsd=ermsd, ident=ident, sol_fname=sol_fname)
[docs] def add_searchmodel(self, pdbfile, id, ermsd=0.1, nsearch=1, disable_check=True): """Add a search model to the phaser run :param str pdbfile: the pdb file name with the search model :param str id: unique identifier for this search model :param float ermsd: the eRMSD to be used with this search model :param int nsearch: number of copies to be searched :param bool disable_check: argument passed to :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setENSE_DISA_CHEC()` """ if not os.path.isfile(pdbfile): self.logger.error('Searchmodel pdb file was not found! %s' % pdbfile) self.error = True return if id in self.searchmodel_dict.keys(): self.logger.error('Searchmodel with the same ID (%s) has already been added!' % id) self.error = True return self.searchmodel_ids_list.append(id) self.searchmodel_dict[id] = self.searchmodel_infotemplate(pdbfile=pdbfile, ermsd=ermsd, nsearch=nsearch, id=id, disable_check=disable_check)
[docs] def load_mr_dat(self, mute=True): """Load the input data for the MR run into :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_DAT()` :param bool mute: argument passed to :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_DAT.setMUTE()` """ self.input_mr_dat = InputMR_DAT() self.input_mr_dat.setHKLI(self.mtzfile) # Set reflection data fields (I and SIGI preferred over FP and SIGFP) mtz_head = MtzParser(self.mtzfile) mtz_head.parse() if mtz_head.i is not None and mtz_head.sigi is not None: self.input_mr_dat.setLABI_I_SIGI(mtz_head.i, mtz_head.sigi) elif mtz_head.f is not None and mtz_head.sigf is not None: self.input_mr_dat.setLABI_F_SIGF(mtz_head.f, mtz_head.sigf) elif mtz_head.iplus is not None and mtz_head.sigiplus is not None: self.input_mr_dat.setLABI_I_SIGI(mtz_head.iplus, mtz_head.sigiplus) elif mtz_head.fplus is not None and mtz_head.sigfplus is not None: self.input_mr_dat.setLABI_F_SIGF(mtz_head.fplus, mtz_head.sigfplus) elif mtz_head.iminus is not None and mtz_head.sigiminus is not None: self.input_mr_dat.setLABI_I_SIGI(mtz_head.iminus, mtz_head.sigiminus) elif mtz_head.fminus is not None and mtz_head.sigfminus is not None: self.input_mr_dat.setLABI_F_SIGF(mtz_head.fminus, mtz_head.sigfminus) else: self.logger.error("Cannot find mtz columns to use as input for phaser!") self.error = True return self.input_mr_dat.setSGAL_SELE(self.sgalternative) self.input_mr_dat.setMUTE(mute) # Load the data into the mr run self.run_mr_dat = runMR_DAT(self.input_mr_dat) if not self.run_mr_dat.Success(): self.logger.error("Phaser didn't register success!") self.error = True
[docs] def run_auto_mr(self, searchmodel_id, mute=True, xyzout=True, keywrds=True): """Make a method to run phaser AutoMR mode using :object:`Phaser.runMR_AUTO()` :param str searchmodel_id: key in the :py:attr:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.searchmodel_dict` that \ corresponds with the search model to be placed :param bool mute: argument passed to :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setMUTE()` :param bool xyzout: argument passed to :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setXYZO()` :param bool keywrds: argument passed to :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setKEYW()` """ if searchmodel_id not in self.searchmodel_dict.keys(): self.logger.error('Unable to find requested searchmodel with ID %s!' % searchmodel_id) self.error = True return'Running auto MR for search model %s' % searchmodel_id) self.input_mr_auto = InputMR_AUTO() searchmodel = self.searchmodel_dict[searchmodel_id] # General parameters self.input_mr_auto.setJOBS(self.threads) self.input_mr_auto.setHKLI(self.mtzfile) self.input_mr_auto.setXYZO(xyzout) self.input_mr_auto.setROOT(self.root) self.input_mr_auto.setKEYW(keywrds) self.input_mr_auto.setKILL_TIME(self.timeout) self.input_mr_auto.setREFL_DATA(self.run_mr_dat.getREFL_DATA()) self.input_mr_auto.setMUTE(mute) self.input_mr_auto.setSGAL_SELE(self.sgalternative) if self.packcutoff is not None: self.input_mr_auto.setPACK_SELE('PERCENT') self.input_mr_auto.setPACK_CUTO(self.packcutoff) if self.peaks_rotcutoff is not None: self.input_mr_auto.setPEAK_ROTA_SELE('PERCENT') self.input_mr_auto.setPEAK_ROTA_CUTO(self.peaks_rotcutoff) self.input_mr_auto.setCOMP_BY("ASU") self.input_mr_auto.addCOMP_PROT_MW_NUM(, self.nchains_asu) # Load the search models self.input_mr_auto.addENSE_PDB_RMS("PDB_%s" % searchmodel_id, searchmodel.pdbfile, float(searchmodel.ermsd)) self.input_mr_auto.setENSE_DISA_CHEC("PDB_%s" % searchmodel_id, searchmodel.disable_check) self.input_mr_auto.addSEAR_ENSE_NUM("PDB_%s" % searchmodel_id, searchmodel.nsearch) # Load fixed solution if any if self.solution is not None: if self.solution.ermsd is not None: self.input_mr_auto.addENSE_PDB_RMS("FIX", self.solution.pdbfile, float(self.solution.ermsd)) elif self.solution.ident is not None: self.input_mr_auto.addENSE_PDB_ID("FIX", self.solution.pdbfile, float(self.solution.ident)) else: self.logger.error("NEED TO PROVIDE AT LEAST RMSD OR IDENT FOR THE FIXED SOLUTION!") self.error = True return self.input_mr_auto.addSOLU_ORIG_ENSE("FIX") # Run mr AUTO self.run_mr_auto = runMR_AUTO(self.input_mr_auto) self.logcontents = self.run_mr_auto.summary() # Check for errors self._check_error() if not self.error: shutil.move(self.top_PDBfile, self.pdbout_tmp.format(searchmodel_id)) shutil.copyfile(self.pdbout_tmp.format(searchmodel_id), self.pdbout) self.get_scores(self.pdbout_tmp.format(searchmodel_id))
[docs] def run(self): """Run phaser Load the MR data and run mode MR_AUTO with each of the provided search models, intercalating refinement cycles """ if not self.silent_start: if len(self.searchmodel_dict.keys()) == 0: self.logger.error('No search model found!') return self.make_workdir() tmp_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.workdir) # Load the MR data self.logger.debug("Phaser: loading input for MR_DAT") self.load_mr_dat() if self.error: return # Run MR auto incrementally with provided search models"Running incremental MR_AUTO with %s searchmodels" % len(self.searchmodel_ids_list)) for searchmodel_id in self.searchmodel_ids_list: self.run_auto_mr(searchmodel_id) self.make_logfile(fname=self.logfile.format(searchmodel_id)) if self.error: self.logger.warning('Previous error prevents phaser to proceed with the search') break if searchmodel_id == self.searchmodel_ids_list[-1]:'Finished incremental search\n') break self.refine_solution(searchmodel_id) if self.error: self.logger.warning('Previous error during solution refinement prevents phaser to proceed' ' with the search') break self.register_solution(pdbfile=self.refmac_pdbout.format(searchmodel_id), ermsd=self.searchmodel_dict[searchmodel_id].ermsd) os.chdir(tmp_dir)
[docs] def get_scores(self, logfile=None): """Get the figures of merit obtained with phaser using a :py:obj:`~swamp.parsers.phaserparser.PhaserParser` \ instance :param logfile: log's file name where the figures of merit can be found (default None) :type logfile: None, str """ parser = PhaserParser(fname=logfile, stdout=self.logcontents, logger=self.logger) parser.parse() self.LLG, self.TFZ, self.RFZ, self.eLLG, self.VRMS = parser.summary if parser.error: self.error = True self.logger.warning('Previous errors while parsing phaser output detected!') return if self.phased_mtz is not None: self.local_CC, self.overall_CC = self.get_cc(os.path.join(self.workdir, "phenix"), self.phased_mtz, logfile) if self.early_kill and (self.local_CC == "NA" or float(self.local_CC) < 0.2): self.abort_suggested = True else: self.abort_suggested = False
[docs] def refine_solution(self, searchmodel_id): """Refine the placed search model using :py:obj:`~swamp.wrappers.wrefmac.wRefmac` :param str searchmodel_id: key in the :py:attr:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.searchmodel_dict` that \ corresponds with the search model to be refined """'Refining solution') refmac = wRefmac(workdir=self.refined_solutions_dir, mtzin=self.mtzfile, logger=self.logger, silent_start=True, pdbin=self.pdbout_tmp.format(searchmodel_id), phased_mtz=self.phased_mtz) refmac.make_logfile(fname=self.refmac_logfile.format(searchmodel_id)) # Check for errors and copy the file to the corresponding pdb output if refmac.error or not os.path.isfile(refmac.pdbout): self.error = True self.logger.warning('An error occurred during refinement!') else: shutil.copyfile(refmac.pdbout, self.refmac_pdbout.format(searchmodel_id))
# ------------------ Static and hidden methods ------------------ def _check_error(self): """Check for errors in the :object:`Phaser.runMR_AUTO()` object Sets the :py:attr:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.error` to True is an error is found after \ :py:func:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.run_auto_mr` """ if not self.run_mr_auto.Success(): if self.run_mr_auto.ErrorName() == 'KILL-TIME ELAPSED': self.logger.warning("Phaser exceeded the kill-time! (%s min)" % self.timeout) else: self.logger.warning("Phaser did not register success!") self.error = True return if not self.run_mr_auto.foundSolutions(): self.logger.warning("Phaser did not find a solution!") self.error = True return if not os.path.isfile(self.top_PDBfile): self.logger.warning("Phaser did not produce a pdb output file!") self.error = True return if not os.path.isfile(self.top_MTZfile): self.logger.warning("Phaser did not produce a mtz output file!") return