Source code for

"""This is SWAMP: Solving Structures With Alpha Membrane Pairs

This module implements classes and methods to search the SWAMP library using contact information. The contact maximum \
overlap (CMO) will be calculated between the predicted contacts and the observed contacts.

__author__ = "Filomeno Sanchez Rodriguez"
__credits__ = "Daniel Rigden & Ronan Keegan"
__email__ = ""

from swamp import version

__version__ = version.__version__

import os

if 'DISABLE_DEPENDENCY_CHECKS' not in os.environ:

    if "CCP4" not in os.environ:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot find CCP4 root directory")

        import joblib
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError('Joblib must be installed before using SWAMP-SCAN')

[docs]def SearchJob(*args, **kwargs): """:py:obj:`` instance""" from import SearchJob return SearchJob(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def SearchTarget(*args, **kwargs): """:py:obj:`` instance""" from import SearchTarget return SearchTarget(*args, **kwargs)