Source code for swamp.parsers.topconsparser

import pandas as pd
from swamp.parsers.parser import Parser
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

[docs]class TopconsParser(Parser): """Topcons file parser :param str fname: the file name to be parsed (default None) :param `~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger` logger: logging interface for the parser (default None) :ivar `~pandas.Dataframe` tmhelices: Dataframe with the mappings for the TM helices predicted by topcons :ivar `~pandas.Dataframe` residue_topology: Dataframe with the residue topology as predicted by topcons :example: >>> from swamp.parsers import TopconsParser >>> my_parser = TopconsParser('<fname>') >>> my_parser.parse() """ def __init__(self, fname, logger=None): self.tmhelices = None self.residue_topology = None super(TopconsParser, self).__init__(fname, logger=logger) @property def summary(self): """Abstract property to store a summary of the parsed figures of merit""" return None
[docs] def parse(self): """Parse the :py:attr:`~swamp.parsers.parser.fname` prediction file and retrieve the TM topology""" if self.error: self.logger.warning("Previous errors prevent parsing TOPCONS file!") return with open(self.fname, "r") as fhandle: self.inputfile_contents = fhandle.readlines() try: topcons_prediction = self.inputfile_contents[ self.inputfile_contents.index('TOPCONS predicted topology:\n') + 1].rstrip() except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('TOPCONS file cannot be parsed. Please check it is TOPCONS format!') residues = [] for index, ss_residue in enumerate(topcons_prediction): if ss_residue == "o": residues.append([index + 1, True, False, False]) elif ss_residue == "M": residues.append([index + 1, False, True, False]) else: residues.append([index + 1, False, False, True]) self.residue_topology = pd.DataFrame(residues) self.residue_topology.columns = ["idx", "out", "membr", "in"] if any(self.residue_topology.membr.tolist()): self._get_tmhelices_map() else: self.logger.warning('No TM helices were parsed from TOPCONS file!')
def _get_tmhelices_map(self): """Create a datframe with the start/stop of the TM helices contained in the input file""" helices = [] id = 1 for k, g in groupby(enumerate([x for x in self.residue_topology[self.residue_topology.membr].idx]), lambda ix: ix[0] - ix[1]): residues = [x for x in map(itemgetter(1), g)] start = residues[0] try: stop = residues[-1] except IndexError: stop = start helices.append([id, start, stop]) id += 1 self.tmhelices = pd.DataFrame(helices) self.tmhelices.columns = ["id", "start", "stop"]