Source code for

import abc
import os
import gemmi
import shutil
import logging
import swamp
from swamp.utils import decompress
from swamp.wrappers import Gesamt
from swamp.utils import renumber_hierarchy

ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {})

[docs]class SearchModel(ABC): """Class with methods to prepare the search model before MR and data structures to keep all useful information :param str workdir: working directory where the search model will be prepared :param str id: unique identifier for the search model to be added :param str ensemble_code: the ensemble's SWAMP library id to be used as search model :param float ermsd: the eRMSD to be used with phaser to place the search model (default 0.1) :param int nsearch: number of copies to search with phaser :param bool disable_check: passed to :py:obj:`phaser.InputMR_AUTO.setENSE_DISA_CHEC` (default True) :param str mod: indicate how to prepare the search model (default 'unmod') :param str model: indicate if the search model is an ensemble or a centroid (default 'ensemble') :param `~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger` logger: logging interface for the MR pipeline (default None) :ivar bool error: if True an error has occurred while preparing the search model :ivar list modified_model_list: a list with the file names of the modified models to be merged into the new ensemble """ def __init__(self, id, ensemble_code, workdir, ermsd=0.1, nsearch=1, disable_check=True, mod='unmod', model='ensemble', pdb_fname_input=None, logger=None): = id self.ensemble_code = ensemble_code self.workdir = workdir self.ermsd = ermsd self.disable_check = disable_check self.nsearch = nsearch self.mod = mod self.model = model self.pdb_fname_input = pdb_fname_input self.error = False self.modified_model_list = [] if logger is None: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) else: self.logger = logger if self.model == 'external_input' and os.path.isfile(self.pdb_fname_input): self._pdbfname = self.pdb_fname_input return elif ensemble_code == 'idealhelix': self.gzfile = os.path.join(self.idealhelix_fname) self._pdbfname = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'idealhelix.pdb') else: self.gzfile = os.path.join(swamp.ENSEMBLE_DIR, '%s_%s.pdb.gz' % (model, ensemble_code)) self._pdbfname = os.path.join(self.workdir, '%s_%s.pdb' % (model, ensemble_code)) if not os.path.isfile(self.gzfile): self.logger.error('Search model file not found! %s\nMake sure the ensemble code is correct!' % self.gzfile) self.error = True return self._make_workdir() self.create_pdbfile() # ------------------ Properties ------------------ @property def phaser_info(self): """A dictionary with all the information necessary to use with \ :py:func:`~swamp.wrappers.wphaser.Phaser.add_searchmodel`""" return {'id':, 'pdbfile': self.pdbfname, 'ermsd': self.ermsd, 'nsearch': self.nsearch, 'disable_check': self.disable_check} @property def idealhelix_fname(self): """File name of the ideal helix to be used to extend the solution""" return os.path.join(swamp.IDEALHELICES_DIR, 'ensemble_20_nativebfact_homogenous.pdb.gz') @property def pdbfname(self): """The PDB file name of the search model""" if self.mod == 'unmod' or self.ensemble_code == 'idealhelix': return self._pdbfname else: return self.modified_pdbfname @property def model_list(self): """A list with all the models in the original search model""" if not os.path.isdir(self.model_dir): os.makedirs(self.model_dir) return self.split_models(pdbin=self._pdbfname, directory=self.model_dir, strip_hetatm=True) @property def model_dir(self): """Directory with the models that formed the original search model (if it was an ensemble)""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, "models") @property def modified_pdbfname(self): """The file name of the search model after running :py:func:``""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, '%s_%s_%s.pdb' % (self.mod, self.model, self.ensemble_code)) @property def _modified_model_template(self): """String to be used as a template for the modified model file name""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, "{}_%s.pdb" % self.mod) # ------------------ Methods ------------------
[docs] def create_pdbfile(self): """Create the pdb file to be used as a search model on :py:attr:``""" decompress(self.gzfile, self._pdbfname) if self.mod == 'unmod' or self.ensemble_code == 'idealhelix': return self.prepare() self._check_output()
[docs] def prepare(self): """Prepare the :py:attr:`` with the searchmodel using the indicated \ :py:attr:`` before MR""" if self.mod == 'polyala': for idx, model in enumerate(self.model_list): modelID = os.path.basename(model)[:-4] modified_model = self._modified_model_template.format(modelID) self.logger.debug('Truncating model %s %s -> %s' % (idx, modelID, modified_model)) self.truncate_polyALA(pdbin=model, pdbout=modified_model) self.logger.debug('Transfer flags to new pdb file') self.transfer_flags_pdb(pdb_ref=model, pdb_file=modified_model) self.modified_model_list.append(modified_model) self._merge_models() else: self.extract_core(pdbout=self.modified_pdbfname, workdir=self.workdir, model_list=self.model_list)
# ------------------ Hidden methods ------------------ def _check_output(self): """Check if the output file has been created, set :py:attr:`~swamp.searchmodel.prepare.error` to \ True if not""" if self.mod != 'unmod' and not os.path.isfile(self.modified_pdbfname): self.logger.error("Modified search model not found! %s" % self.modified_pdbfname) self.error = True def _merge_models(self): """Merge all the modified models indicated at \ :py:attr:`~swamp.searchmodel.prepare.modified_model_list` into \ :py:attr:`~swamp.searchmodel.prepare.pdbout`""" if len(self.model_list) > 1: gesamt = Gesamt(mode='alignment', pdbin=self.modified_model_list, pdbout=self.modified_pdbfname, workdir=self.workdir, logger=self.logger) else: shutil.copyfile(self.modified_model_list[0], self.modified_pdbfname) def _make_workdir(self): """Method to crete the :py:attr:`~swamp.searchmodel.prepare.workdir` directory""" if not os.path.isdir(self.workdir): os.mkdir(self.workdir) # ------------------ Static methods ------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_core(pdbout, workdir, model_list): """Extract the core structural alignment of a given ensemble :param str pdbout: the pdb file name of the resulting ensemble to output :param str workdir: the working directory where temporary files will be created :param list model_list: a list with the pdb file names of the models that make the ensemble """ from mrbump.seq_align.MRBUMP_gesamt import Gesamt as MRBUMP_Gesamt tmp_csvfile = os.path.join(workdir, "csvfile.csv") tmp_csvCOREfile = os.path.join(workdir, "csvCOREfile.csv") tmp_logfile = os.path.join(workdir, "core_logfile.log") tmp_alnfile = os.path.join(workdir, "alnfile.ali") tmp_scriptfile = os.path.join(workdir, "") tmp_pdb = os.path.join(workdir, "tmp_out_core.pdb") pdbDict = dict([]) for model in model_list: if len(os.path.basename(model)[:-4]) >= 6: pdbDict[model] = "%s" % os.path.basename(model)[:-4][-1] else: pdbDict[model] = "*" ensemble_truncator = MRBUMP_Gesamt() ensemble_truncator.runGesamt(model_list, pdbDict, seqin="fake.fasta", outputPDB=tmp_pdb, logfile=tmp_logfile, alnfile=tmp_alnfile, csvfile=tmp_csvfile, script=tmp_scriptfile, debug=False) ensemble_truncator.makeGesTruncEnsemble(tmp_pdb, pdbout, variancePercent=10000, sidechain_level=100, csvFile=tmp_csvfile, truncation_level=1000.0, csvCOREfile=tmp_csvCOREfile)
[docs] @staticmethod def split_models(pdbin, directory, strip_hetatm=True): """Method to split an ensemble into its model components :param str pdbin: input pdb file name :param str directory: directory where the models of the ensemble will be dumped :param bool strip_hetatm: if set, the hetatm will be ommited from the output models (default True) :returns: a list with the output file names listed (list) """ pdbout_template = os.path.join(directory, 'model_{}.pdb') hierarchy = gemmi.read_structure(pdbin) rslt = [] if strip_hetatm: hierarchy.remove_waters() for model in hierarchy: new_structure = gemmi.Structure() new_structure.add_model(model) new_structure.cell = hierarchy.cell new_structure.write_pdb(pdbout_template.format( rslt.append(pdbout_template.format( return rslt
[docs] @staticmethod def truncate_polyALA(pdbin, pdbout): """Method to truncate a given pdb into poly-ala :param str pdbin: input pdb file name :param str pdbout: output pdb file name """ original_hierarchy = gemmi.read_structure(pdbin) original_hierarchy.remove_ligands_and_waters() for residue in original_hierarchy[0][0]: residue.trim_to_alanine() = "ALA" renumber_hierarchy(original_hierarchy) original_hierarchy.write_pdb(pdbout)
[docs] @staticmethod def transfer_flags_pdb(pdb_ref, pdb_file, flags_to_transfer=("CRYST1", "SCALE", "REMARK"), overwrite=True): """Transfer PDB flags between two given pdb files :param str pdb_ref: pdb file with the reference flags to be transferred :param str pdb_file: pdb file where the flags will be transferred :param tuple flags_to_transfer: set of flags that need to be transferred :param bool overwrite: if False, pdb_file original flags will be kept (default True) """ with open(pdb_ref, "r") as pdbreference, open(pdb_file, "r") as pdbfile: # Read in the lines to transfer lines_to_include = [] for line in pdbreference: if line.split()[0] in flags_to_transfer: lines_to_include.append(line) # Store the lines of the pdbfile for line in pdbfile: if not overwrite: lines_to_include.append(line) elif line.split()[0] not in flags_to_transfer: lines_to_include.append(line) # Re-open the file, this time write mode pdbreference.close() pdbfile.close() with open(pdb_file, "w") as pdbfile: for line in lines_to_include: pdbfile.write(line)