Source code for

import os
import dill
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from swamp.logger import SwampLogger
from swamp.command_line import check_path_exists

[docs]def create_argument_parser(): """Create a parser for the command line arguments used in swamp-results""" parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("swamp_workdir", type=check_path_exists, help="The workding directory where SWAMP results can be extracted") parser.add_argument("-top_results", type=int, nargs="?", default=50, help='Number of top results to display') parser.add_argument("-sort_by", type=str, nargs="?", default='SHXE_CC', help='Field to use for sorting results') return parser
[docs]class MrResults(object): """Class to handle the results py:obj:`` instance :param str swamp_workdir: the :py:obj:`` working directory :param `~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger` logger: logging interface for the MR pipeline (default None) :ivar list results: nested list with the figures of merit obtained after the completion of \ :py:obj:`` isntance :ivar list pickle_list: a list of pickle file names for all the :py:obj:`` instances \ contained in the :py:obj:`` instance :ivar str mr_dir: the directory with the MR results obtained with :py:obj:`` instance """ def __init__(self, swamp_workdir, logger=None): assert os.path.isdir(swamp_workdir), "Cannot find work_dir: %s" % swamp_workdir self.mr_dir = os.path.join(swamp_workdir, 'swamp_mr') assert os.path.isdir(self.mr_dir), "Cannot find Mr results directory: %s" % self.mr_dir self.pickle_list = self.lookup_pickles(self.mr_dir) if logger is None: self.logger = SwampLogger(__name__) self.logger.init(use_console=True, console_level='info') else: self.logger = logger self.results = [] self._recover_results() @property def logger_header(self): """Header used whe initialising the :py:obj:`~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger`""" return """\n********************************************************************** ******************* SWAMP-MR RESULTS *************** ********************************************************************** Recovering results now... """ @property def _result_table_fields(self): """List of the field names in the results table printed at \ :py:func:``""" return ["SEARCH ID", "RUN ID", "LLG", "TFZ", "PHSR_CC_LOC", "PHSR_CC_ALL", "RFMC_RFREE", "RFMC_RFACT", "RFMC_CC_LOC", "RFMC_CC_ALL", "SHXE_CC", "SHXE_ACL", "IS_EXTENDED", "SOLUTION"]
[docs] def report_results(self, top=50, sort_by='SHXE_CC'): """Print in the stdout a table with the indicated top :py:attr:`` :param int top: top number of results to display :param str sort_by: the column name to use for sorting the table """ table = PrettyTable(self._result_table_fields) for result in self.results[:top]: if len(result) == len(self._result_table_fields): table.add_row(result) else: self.logger.warning('Results out of bounds! %s' % ', '.join(result)) table.reversesort = True'Results retrieved. Showing top %s scoring results:\n\n%s' % (top, table.get_string()))
def _recover_results(self): """Recover the results stored in each pickle at :py:attr:``""" for pickle_fname in self.pickle_list: with open(pickle_fname, 'rb') as pickle_fhandle: mr_run = dill.load(pickle_fhandle) pickle_fhandle.close() self.results += mr_run.results self.results = sorted(self.results, key=lambda x: x[10] if x[10] != 'NA' else float('0.0'), reverse=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def lookup_pickles(mr_dir): """Search a given directory for result pickle files :param str mr_dir: the directory of interest to be searched :returns: a tuple with the pickle files that were found """ pickle_list = [] for search_dir in filter(MrResults.is_searchdir, [os.path.join(mr_dir, dir) for dir in os.listdir(mr_dir)]): search_dir = os.path.join(mr_dir, search_dir) for run_dir in filter(MrResults.is_rundir, [os.path.join(search_dir, dir) for dir in os.listdir(search_dir)]): run_dir = os.path.join(search_dir, run_dir) pickle_fname = os.path.join(run_dir, 'results.pckl') if os.path.isfile(pickle_fname): pickle_list.append(pickle_fname) return tuple(pickle_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_searchdir(dir): """Check if a given directory is a swamp-mr search directory :param str dir: directory of interest :returns: True if the input directory is a swamp search directory otherwise False """ if os.path.isdir(dir) and 'search_' in dir: return True else: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_rundir(dir): """Check if a given directory is a valid swamp-mr run directory :param str dir: directory of interest :returns: True if the input directory is an existing swamp run directory otherwise False """ if os.path.isdir(dir) and 'run_' in dir: return True else: return False
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = create_argument_parser() args = parser.parse_args() results = MrResults(args.swamp_workdir) results.report_results(args.top_results)