Source code for

import os
import dill
from pyjob import Script

[docs]class MrJob(object): """Class to manage the creation and execution of a :py:obj:`` in the context of a parent container :py:obj:`` instance. This class implements methods to create a python script that can be executed as single independent job. It also implements utilities and data structures to retrieve and store the results obtained with the resulting instance of :py:obj:``. :param str id: unique identifier of this :py:obj:`` isntance :param str workdir: working directory for :py:obj:`` instance :param str python_interpreter: python interpreter for the :py:obj:`pyjob.Script` :ivar str id: Unique identifier of this :py:obj:`` isntance :ivar str phased_mtz: target's mtz filename containing phases (default None) :ivar str target_mtz: target's mtz filename (default None) :ivar str target_fa: target's fasta filename (default None) :ivar list searchmodel_list: A list with the search models to be used in the \ :py:obj:`` instance """ def __init__(self, id, workdir, python_interpreter=None, extend_solution=False): = id self.workdir = workdir self.target_mtz = None self.target_fa = None self.phased_mtz = None self.parent_array = None self.extend_solution = extend_solution self.searchmodel_list = [] self.make_workdir() if python_interpreter is None: self.python_interpreter = os.path.join(os.environ['CCP4'], 'bin', 'ccp4-python') else: self.python_interpreter = python_interpreter def __repr__(self): return '{}(id={}, workdir="{}")'.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.workdir) # ------------------ General properties ------------------ @property def parent_array(self): """The parent :py:obj:`` instance""" return self._parent_array @parent_array.setter def parent_array(self, value): """Property setter for :py:attr:`` :param value: MrArray to be set :type value: :py:obj:`` :raises TypeError: value is not an instance of :py:obj:`` """ if value is None: pass elif not isinstance(value, raise TypeError('Parent array must be a instance!') else: self._parent_array = value self.target_mtz = self.parent_array.target_mtz self.target_fa = self.parent_array.target_fa self.phased_mtz = self.parent_array.phased_mtz @property def results(self): """A nested list with the results of the :py:obj:`` instance created with the \ execution of :py:attr:``""" pickle_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "results.pckl") if os.path.isfile(pickle_fname): with open(pickle_fname, 'rb') as pickle_fhandle: mr_run = dill.load(pickle_fhandle) pickle_fhandle.close() return mr_run.results else: return None @property def python_script(self): """String with the python script to create and execute the :py:obj:`` instance \ associated with this :py:obj:``""" script = """cd {workdir} {python_interpreter} << EOF from import MrRun mr_run = MrRun(id='{id}', workdir='{workdir}', target_fa='{target_fa}', target_mtz='{target_mtz}', \ extend_solution={extend_solution})\n""".format(**self.__dict__) if self.phased_mtz is not None: script += 'mr_run.phased_mtz = "%s"\n' % self.phased_mtz for searchmodel in self.searchmodel_list: args_list = [] for arg in searchmodel.keys(): args_list.append('%s="%s"' % (arg, searchmodel[arg])) script += 'mr_run.add_searchmodel(%s)\n' % ', '.join(args_list) script += """if not mr_run.error: mr_run.create_result_table_outfile() mr_run.store_pickle() EOF """ return script @property def script(self): """A :py:obj:`pyjob.Script` instance that will be executed on this :py:obj:``""" script = Script(directory=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.workdir, os.pardir))),, stem='', suffix='.sh') script.append(self.python_script) return script # ------------------ Methods ------------------
[docs] def add_searchmodel(self, **kwargs): """Provide necessary information to add a given search model to the :py:obj:`` \ instance. :param kwargs: directly used into :py:func:`` """ self.searchmodel_list.append(kwargs)
[docs] def make_workdir(self): """Create the :py:attr:``""" if not os.path.isdir(self.workdir): os.makedirs(self.workdir)