Source code for

import abc
import os
import dill
import shutil
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from swamp.logger import SwampLogger

ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {})

[docs]class Mr(ABC): """This is an abstract class for MR pipelines. It implements data structures and methods commonly used in MR tasks. :param str id: unique identifier for the :py:obj:`` instance :param str target_fa: target's fasta filename :param str target_mtz: target's mtz filename :param str workdir: working directory where the MR pipeline will be executed :param str phased_mtz: filename of the target's mtz containing phase information (default None) :param `~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger` logger: logging interface for the MR pipeline (default None) :param bool silent: if set to True the logger will not print messages (default False) :ivar list results: A list with the figures of merit obtained after the completion of the pipeline :ivar bool error: True if errors have occurred at some point on the pipeline :ivar list results: contains the results obtained in the MR pipeline """ def __init__(self, id, target_fa, target_mtz, workdir, phased_mtz=None, logger=None, silent=False): self._init_params = locals() = id self.workdir = workdir self.make_workdir() os.chdir(self.workdir) self.target_fa = target_fa self.target_mtz = target_mtz self.phased_mtz = phased_mtz self.error = False self.results = [] if logger is None: self.logger = SwampLogger(__name__, silent=silent) self.logger.init(logfile=os.path.join(self.workdir, "swamp_%s.debug" % id), use_console=True, console_level='info', logfile_level='debug') else: self.logger = logger self.logger.silent = silent # ------------------ Abstract methods and properties ------------------
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): """Abstract method to run the mr pipeline""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def append_results(self): """Abstract method to append the results obtained so far into :py:attr:``""" pass
@property @abc.abstractmethod def cleanup_dir_list(self): """ Abstract property to hold the location of the directories to cleanup after completion of the pipeline""" pass # ------------------ Some general properties ------------------ @property def _result_table_fields(self): """A list of the column names in the :py:attr:``""" return ["SEARCH ID", "RUN ID", "LLG", "TFZ", "PHSR_CC_LOC", "PHSR_CC_ALL", "RFMC_RFREE", "RFMC_RFACT", "RFMC_CC_LOC", "RFMC_CC_ALL", "SHXE_CC", "SHXE_ACL", "IS_EXTENDED", "SOLUTION"] @property def init_params(self): """A dictionary to store the initial parameters used to instantiate the :py:obj:``""" if "self" in self._init_params: del self._init_params["self"] if '__class__' in self._init_params.keys(): del self._init_params['__class__'] return dict(self._init_params) @init_params.setter def init_params(self, value): if "self" in value: del value["self"] if "__class__" in value: del value['__class__'] self._init_params = value @property def result_table_fname(self): """Filename where the string representation of :py:attr:`` will be written""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, "results.table") @property def result_pickle_fname(self): """Filename where the :py:obj:`` instance will be pickled""" return os.path.join(self.workdir, "results.pckl") @property def pipeline_header(self): """Header displayed when initiating :py:obj:`~swamp.logger.swamplogger.SwampLogger`""" return """\n********************************************************************** ********************** {} ****************** ********************************************************************** """ @property def table_contents(self): """String representation of :py:attr:`` displayed as a table""" self.results = sorted(self.results, key=lambda x: x[10] if x[10] != 'NA' else float('0.0'), reverse=True) table = PrettyTable(self._result_table_fields) for result in self.results: if len(result) == len(self._result_table_fields): table.add_row(result) else: self.logger.warning('Results out of bounds! %s' % ', '.join(result)) table.sortby = 'SHXE_CC' table.reversesort = True return table.get_string() # ------------------ Some general methods ------------------
[docs] def make_workdir(self): """Method to create the working directory of the :py:obj:`` instance""" if not (os.path.isdir(self.workdir)): os.makedirs(self.workdir)
[docs] def store_pickle(self, fname=None, mode="ab"): """Method to pickle the :py:obj:`` instance into a file :param str fname: filename where the pickle will be created (default None) :param str mode: mode that will be used to open the file handle (default 'ab') """ if fname is None: fname = self.result_pickle_fname with open(fname, mode) as pickle_file: dill.dump(self, pickle_file, protocol=1) pickle_file.close()
[docs] def create_result_table_outfile(self, fname=None): """Method to write string representation of :py:attr:`` into \ :py:attr:`` or into a specific file if `fname` is set. :param str fname: filename where the result table will be created (default None) """ if fname is None: fname = self.result_table_fname # If the run was aborted, nothing to log here if self.error: self.logger.warning("Previous errors prevented the creation of a result table") return # If the file doesnt exists, add the header if not (os.path.isfile(fname)): with open(fname, "w") as logfile: logfile.write(self.table_contents) logfile.close()
# ------------------ Some protected and static methods ------------------ def _cleanup_files(self): """Method to cleanup the files indicated at :py:attr:``""""Saving disk space now...") for directory in self.cleanup_dir_list: self.logger.debug("Removing %s" % directory) if os.path.isdir(directory): shutil.rmtree(directory) @staticmethod def _inform_args(**kwargs): """Create a string representation of the initial parameters used for the creation of this instance, as stored \ in :py:attr:``""" msg = "Arguments provided:\n\n" for key in kwargs.keys(): if key != "self": msg += "\t%s: %s\n" % (key, kwargs[key]) return msg